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18 additional Leonardo AW169M LUH for Austria

Rome, 19/01/2023 – Leonardo Company and the Directorate for Air Armaments and Airworthiness of the Italian Secretariat General of Defence/National Armaments Directorate signed yesterday the Acquisition Contract for the supply of 18 Leonardo Helicopters AW169M LUH (Light Utility Helicopters) for Austria (Austrian Ministry of Defence). The contract, valued at 304 million EUR, was signed following Leer más18 additional Leonardo AW169M LUH for Austria[…]


MD 530F for California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Mesa, Ariz., Nov. 9, 2021 – MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) announces the delivery of a new MD 530F to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The agency’s first aircraft, the helicopter’s primary mission is to seek out and eliminate cannabis cultivation on public land and assist in the cleaning up the destruction caused by Leer másMD 530F for California Department of Fish and Wildlife[…]

CBP-AMO rescue 3 women victims of human trafficking

RUTLAND, Vt. — A CBP-AMO (Air and Marine Operations) aircrew onboard an AS350 A-Star rescue three women victims of human trafficking activities. During the flight operations the AS-350 aircrew, assigned out of the Plattsburgh, N.Y. Air Unit responded to a Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) request for aerial surveillance during interagency search warrants of multiple residences suspected of being linked Leer másCBP-AMO rescue 3 women victims of human trafficking[…]

La policía de Nueva Gales del Sur (NSWPF) comienza a operar el Bell 429

El Mando de Aviación de la Fuerza de Policía de Nueva Gales del Sur (NSWPF) comenzó ayer a operar el Bell 429 tras un acto de presentación de la nueva aeronave. Los tres helicópteros, con distintivo de llamada PolAir 1, 3 y 4, serán utilizados como apoyo aéreo en misiones de patrulla, búsqueda y rescate (SAR), Leer másLa policía de Nueva Gales del Sur (NSWPF) comienza a operar el Bell 429[…]

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