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Coast Guard continues search for 2 fishermen after vessel collision in Galveston, Texas

HOUSTON​ —​ The Coast Guard is continuing the search Wednesday for two fishermen from the 81-foot fishing vessel Pappy’s Pride that capsized after a collision near the Galveston jetties in Galveston, Texas. The case began Tuesday when Vessel Traffic Service Houston-Galveston watchstanders were notified of four people in the water after a collision between the fishing Leer másCoast Guard continues search for 2 fishermen after vessel collision in Galveston, Texas[…]

Coast Guard medevacs mariner 46 miles offshore Galveston, Texas

HOUSTON — The Coast Guard medevaced a 53-year-old man approximately 46 miles offshore of Galveston, Texas, Tuesday evening. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders received a request from the motor vessel Seacharm stating their chief engineer was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack and was in need of medical assistance.Watchstanders consulted with the duty flight surgeon Leer másCoast Guard medevacs mariner 46 miles offshore Galveston, Texas[…]

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