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Croatia orders two SUBARU Bell 412EPX helicopters

Fort Worth, TX (Sept. 29, 2022) – Bell Textron solds in Croatia two SUBARU Bell 412EPX, marking a significant milestone as the first sold of the 412EPX helicopter in Europe. Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. company, announced the signed purchase agreement for the two SUBARU Bell 412EPX helicopters concretely for the Republic of Croatia’s Ministry Leer másCroatia orders two SUBARU Bell 412EPX helicopters[…]

Guatemala moderniza sus Bell 212 con el IFDS Astronautics Badger Pro+

OAK CREEK, WISCONSIN, 11 de mayo de 2021 — Astronautics Corporation of America, en asociación con Central American Aviation Services (CAAS), ha completado la instalación inicial del IFDS Badger Pro+ en los helicópteros Bell 212 de la Fuerza Aérea de Guatemala. La actualización de Astronautics consiste en la instalación de cuatro pantallas HD de 6×8 Leer másGuatemala moderniza sus Bell 212 con el IFDS Astronautics Badger Pro+[…]

Astronautics provides Badger PRO+ Integrated Flight Display System for Bell 412EPX and Bell 429 new production rotorcraft

Full-featured Badger Pro+ powers next generation BasiX-Pro™ system with integrated flight information, flexible and capable high-resolution video, and proven reliability ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA – January 27,2020 – Astronautics Corporation of America is providing its Badger Pro+ integrated flight display system to Bell, a Textron company, for Bell 412EPX and Bell 429 new production rotorcraft.  Astronautics’ Badger Leer másAstronautics provides Badger PRO+ Integrated Flight Display System for Bell 412EPX and Bell 429 new production rotorcraft[…]

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