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HH-60G conducts long-range medevac of a man 400 nm offshore

A 129th Rescue Wing HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew conducts a long-range medevac of a man from a cruise ship.400 nautical miles off the coast of San Francisco
A 129th Rescue Wing HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew conducts a long-range medevac of a man from a cruise ship.400 nautical miles off the coast of San Francisco.
An HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter recieves fuel from a HC-130J Combat King II, both from the 129th Rescue Wing at Moffett Air National Guard Base, California, during a search and rescue mission 400 nautical miles off the coast of San Franscisco, California, on May 7, 2024.
This mission marked the 129th RQW’s 1,161 life saved.
U.S. Air National Guard photo by Capt. Daniel Phelps.
Story by Senior Airman Serena Smith, 129th Rescue Wing

MOFFETT AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Calif. — An HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew conducts a long-range medevac of a man from the cruise ship Ovation of the Seas 400 nautical miles off San Francisco. The Air Force Rescue Coordination Center activated the California Air National Guard’s 129th Rescue Wing to airlift a man on a cruise ship to local hospital.

The 64-year-old man suffered a heart attack aboard the Bahamian-based Ovation of the Seas cruise liner, 800 nautical miles from the coast of San Francisco, prompting medical personnel on board to determine the need for higher medical care.

“The 129th Rescue Wing is always ready to execute our full spectrum of capabilities. Over 1,161 times we have answered the call. At home and abroad, in combat and in peace, our highly trained and motivated Airmen have pushed the limits to bring someone home alive when we were their last hope,” said Col. Victor L. Teal Jr., 129th Rescue Wing commander. “Our Airmen have dedicated their lives to service of State and Country and I couldn’t be prouder of the team, their accomplishments, and the things we do ‘that others may live.’”

The wing partnered with U.S. Coast Guard 11th District to launch one U.S. Air Force HC-130J Combat King II aircraft and one HH-60G Pave Hawk rescue helicopter, assigned to the Wing, from Moffett Air National Guard Base in Mountain View, Tuesday morning.

A 129th Rescue Wing HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew and a HC-130J Combat King II conducted a long-range medevac of a man from the cruise ship Ovation of the Seas 400 nautical miles off the coast of San Francisco
A HC-130J Combat King II from the 129th Rescue Wing circles the Royal Caribbean cruise line ship Ovation of the Seas to provide overwatch during a search and rescue mission 400 nautical miles off the coast of San Francisco, California, on May 7. 2024. This mission marked the 129th RQW’s 1,161 life saved. U.S. Air National Guard photo by Capt. Daniel Phelps,

The team met with the ship approximately 400 nautical miles from the San Franscisco coast, where Guardian Angel pararescuemen hoisted the man onto the helicopter to provide medical care and transfer him directly to Regional Medical Center in San Jose. The HH-60G Pave Hawk aircrew performed in-air refueling (HAAR) four times to deliver 6,000 lbs of fuel for the long-range rescue.

The man is in stable condition and recovering, according to his daughter Veronica Goode. “He is an Army combat vet himself and I know he would want to thank you,” she said. “He would have been on cloud nine during the helicopter ride if he hadn’t been sedated. He loves to fly.”

Airmen at the wing constantly work to ensure readiness for when a call comes in. “Everything went extremely well,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Kenley Lok, the mission’s search and rescue duty officer. “Everybody’s efforts made this a success. It’s not one person or one shop, it’s everyone coming together as a whole,” he said.

When the mission came in, the wing’s Airmen were ready to respond, he said.

Air National Guard HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter from 129th Rescue Squadron performs a long-range medevac of a man from a cruise ship 400 nautical miles off the coast of San Francisco
An HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter receives fuel from a HC-130J Combat King II, both from the 129th Rescue Wing at Moffett Air National Guard Base, California, during a Medevac mission 400 miles off the coast of San Francisco, California, on May 7, 2024.
This mission marked the 129th RQW’s 1,161 life saved.
U.S. Air National Guard photo by Capt. Daniel Phelps.

“It takes everybody to make the mission happen and make it successful,” he said. “It’s a one team, one fight mentality. One can’t do it without the other.”

The rescue marks the Wing’s 1,161st life saved.

The wing’s federal mission is to train, prepare and conduct worldwide combat search and rescue operations over land or water. The wing leverages these skills at home by providing support to the California Governor’s office during state emergencies and contingencies, including search and rescue and aerial firefighting.

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