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Haiti receives Coast Guard humanitarian aid for the 7.2 earthquake

Haiti receives Coast Guard humanitarian aid for the 7.2 earthquake
Haiti’s government requested U.S. Coast Guard assistance following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Aug. 15,2021.
U.S. Coast Guard forward-deployed Jayhawk helicopter crews are from Air Station Clearwater, Florida.
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Lt. David Steele.

MIAMI — Haitian’s government​ requested Coast Guard assistance following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The USCG committed numbers air and surface assets to help in transporting​ medical personnel and supplies, and​ transporting critically injured citizens to facilities needing a higher level of care in Port au Prince, Haiti.​ ​

“On behalf of the United States Coast Guard I express our deepest sympathies to the people of Haiti,» said Coast Guard District Seven Commander, Adm. Brendan McPherson. «Our hearts go out to our Haitian diaspora here in Miami and to those tragically impacted in Haiti.​ We are supporting USAID humanitarian relief efforts, U.S. Southern Command’s ENDURING PROMISE, and coordinating closely with Ambassador Sison and her country-team to assist in every way that we can.​ Our helicopters and aircrews are transporting medical personnel and evacuating those requiring higher levels of care.​ Our cutters remain offshore and on standby to assist the citizens of Haiti and to support agency response locally.​ Our unity of effort, our commitment to our neighbors, and our ability to lead through crisis will help see us all through this tragic event.”

Haiti receives Coast Guard humanitarian aid for the 7.2 earthquake
A Coast Guard air crew member helps transport a critically injured child from the helicopter to awaiting emergency medical services at Port au Prince, Haiti, Aug. 15, 2021.
U.S. Coast Guard forward deployed Jayhawk helicopter crews are from Air Station Clearwater, Florida.
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Lt. David Steele.

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Haiti receives Coast Guard humanitarian aid for the 7.2 earthquake
A Coast Guard aircrew member gives water to an injured Haitian citizen waiting to be transported to emergency medical services, Port au Prince, Haiti, Aug. 15, 2021.
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Lt. David Steele.
Haiti 7.2 earthquake
Coast Guard members and Haiti emergency medical services members remove a critically injured Haitian citizen from the helicopter, Port au Prince, Haiti, Aug. 15, 2021.
U.S. Coast Guard photo by Lt. David Steele.
HC-144 Ocean Sentry
Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentries at Air Station Miami are staged to deploy to Haiti to assist in response efforts, Opa-locka, Florida, Aug. 15, 2021.
The Coast Guard committed numerous aircraft and surface ships to assist and surge to support critical live saving missions.
U.S. Coast Guard photo.

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